First, writing this blog was a unique way for me to learn and apply Critical Thinking concepts to the various advertisements that I see in my day to day life. Prior to this class, I had little experience with ads because I didn't actively seek them out or registered the ones I did see into my subconscious. Now, I am more versed in the ways advertisers try to get my attention.
Unfortunately, I can't even walk into a WalMart without questioning or noticing every single ad and pointing out the techniques. No more quiet shopping trips for me. ):
How many times must advertisers show me the Bleach ad on TV? Or the PEPSI Next commercial? The repetition of ads just makes my head hurt nowadays. I suppose it is one of the consequences of taking a class that exposes the common techniques the companies use. The amount of media you consume will cause you to buy more aspirin. That is one proven effect of excessive media consumption.
I also enjoyed writing the logs. I developed a personal style over the months we wrote on the website. Now you can see pictures that make my point, have funny captions underneath them, and random memes that may or may not relate to what I was writing about on the post. It was an entertaining way to educate oneself on the media.
Despite the consequences of learning about the media's tricks and cunning ways, it is important to have media literacy. For one, you are less likely to be gullible when it comes to making further purchases. If you know the company's thought process, you can make plans or prepare against the onset of ads. The business attaches puppet strings to every single person who gets sucked into their pitch and this leads to manipulation. If a consumer can be manipulated into buying your product, wouldn't you try to get more people to be the same way so you can make the biggest profit possible?
As for me, I have decided not to delete this blog. It would
be a waste to obliterate my work just because the assignment is no longer
active. So I will maintain this site and post more about life, events happening
around the city, interesting media logs, and memes. Maybe this site will
develop into something interesting. So, if you are bored or are curious as to
what I may have posted, please feel free to visit the site and comment. Just
please, no trolling! If there is excessive, annoying comments or anything
derogative, I may have to block it.
One final note: Thank you, classmates who posted music
videos that were fun and catchy to watch. You guys made my day with new songs I
probably would have never listened to on my own. If I didn't have this blog, I
would not have learned about many of my now favorite songs such as Payphone by
Maroon 5, Kingdom Come by Civil War, and Somebody I Used to Know. I benefited
greatly and had a laugh here and there reading your blogs. But all good things
must come to an end. So I'll see those of you who still want to read posts next
week. Until then, see ya. :)